- Research-based: Over 300 Christian schools and 28,000 Christian school constituents surveyed to date. Laser-focused on marketing activities that actually work, starting with word of mouth, church, and online marketing. Over 100 practical strategies alone to increase word of mouth referrals!
— - Exclusively for Christian schools: Over 1,200 schools of all denominations served by GraceWorks Ministries. A faith-centered approach that accentuates and preserves your God-given purposes.
— - Leading-edge yet field-tested: Bold strategies successfully used by hundreds of the strongest Christian schools in America. Your telephone coach will be an experienced principal or Dan Krause, President of Graceworks Ministries. Dan has 30 years of experience in fundraising and Christian schools or an experienced principal. Move past conventional “wisdom” — safely.
— - A volunteer-centric approach: Internet-based project management takes the coordination monkey off your back. The Parent Satisfaction and Referral Survey (PSRS) even identifies your Marketing Taskforce members — who can write, layout, edit, design, distribute brochures, help with events or their church. Everyone you need on your Marketing Taskforce.
— - Nationally normed satisfaction and willingness to refer comparisons: Both for your school as a whole, and for various subgroups at your school. How do your 8th grade parents compare to all 8th grade parents in GraceWorks’ database? Or more pertinently, how does your Board — or your teachers — compare to our national norms?
— - The most experienced telephone coach money cannot buy. Executives with a proven track record.
— - On-site training for your entire marketing team, staff, volunteers and Board: 13 – 15 hours. Done personally by GraceWorks’ President Dan Krause, an in-demand national speaker. Includes 180-page Workbook, and Implementation Guide, plus numerous hand-outs and slides. Move your entire marketing effort ahead 1 year in two days.
- “Well, I’m recovering from the weekend. Dan, it was awesome! It was somewhat like a fire hydrant of information for me, but I loved it. My mind won’t quit . . . I need some absorption time!! I’m inspired and I thank you so much.”
Karen Pruitt
Central Christian Academy
Wichita, KS
- “Well, I’m recovering from the weekend. Dan, it was awesome! It was somewhat like a fire hydrant of information for me, but I loved it. My mind won’t quit . . . I need some absorption time!! I’m inspired and I thank you so much.”
- Dozens of sessions of supplemental training available 24/7 online: Including the entire Lifting Off … Soaring Ahead marketing seminar. Do you know how to do a Promoter’s Reception?
- “Dan is a delightful man with a tremendous amount of information — actually good information. Most of all he is a bold follower of Christ, which is always an inspiration.”
Tim Murray
Board Director Loyola Christian School
Mankota, Minnesota
- “Dan is a delightful man with a tremendous amount of information — actually good information. Most of all he is a bold follower of Christ, which is always an inspiration.”
- What parents love and hate about your school — in their own words: All sorted by categories, so you can investigate a subgroup. (What do your $200,000+ income parents really think?) Includes suggestions for improvement from all respondents.
- “WOW! What a report. I spent a couple of hours last night going through it. I am amazed at how such a simple-questioned survey can give such valuable insight to the school. I will obviously be spending more time with the report. I love the various angles in which you can view the data. This can really help us determine not only what the issues are but also who they affect.“
Anthony Knight, Principal
Covenant Christian School
Loganville, GA
- “WOW! What a report. I spent a couple of hours last night going through it. I am amazed at how such a simple-questioned survey can give such valuable insight to the school. I will obviously be spending more time with the report. I love the various angles in which you can view the data. This can really help us determine not only what the issues are but also who they affect.“
- The good, bad, and ugly of your school — precisely, by the numbers. What thrills, frills, and chills your parents. Precisely what to fix to make your Promoters wildly enthusiastic. Detractors’ big hairy problems — determined by factor analysis and ANOVA. All reported back to you in a plain English, custom-tailored report.
— - A parent-centric approach to both surveys — asking the right questions, the right way. Your parents tell us what is important to them, and we test that.
— - A new philosophy for your word of mouth Promoters. Invade the untapped market of parents who have educational concerns, but have never seriously considered any Christian school, including yours. (AKA — How to quit competing for the same parents every other Christian school in town is going after.)
— - A new philosophy for your web site. Invade the untapped marketing of parents who have educational concerns, but have never considered any Christian school, including yours. Same idea as #12, but an entirely different set of strategies on the web. Online marketing excels at “pre-selling” because, thanks to email, frequency is free. With Goldmine for Windows, we take your auto responders to a whole new level.
— - Monthly mailer for Promoters and warm leads. This increases the sheer number of referrals you receive, and coaxes your warm leads into visiting. A systematic and easy way to keep in touch with the two key groups who can dramatically increase your enrollment.
— - Customer Relationship Management for new leads — Set up personally by GraceWorks’ President, Dan Krause, who co-developed two fundraising backend programs for Goldmine. Dan has used — even provided technical consultation —with Goldmine since 1994.
— - Shut down the gossip factor. What in the world is wrong with your Detractors — in their own words, and also by the numbers. We’ll tell you what specifically to do to fix Detractors’ problems.
— - Dozens of testimonials — All available within six weeks of starting the program. In our literature and website analysis, we’ll tell you exactly how and where to use them.
— - Improve the transition from Preschool to Kindergarten. Our training: From Preschool to Enrollment, shows you how.
— - Less stressful, more practical finances. GraceWorks advocates a cost-based, needs-based solution as the correct ministry philosophy. As part of the initial training, we analyze your current tuition and financial aid picture with your Board. Skeptical? Request our Biblical Case for Full-Cost Tuition.
— - Marketing Forum exclusively for other leading-edge GraceWorks’ clients. Ask your peers what’s working for them in enrollment and marketing.
— - Well over half of these powerful ideas are not even in print. Hundreds of ideas we have learned and refined from helping hundreds of Christian schools since publishing Marketing Christian Schools: The Definitive Guide, Vol. 1.
- Marketing Christian Schools: The Definitive Guide, Volume I, is the most complete and practical tool for marketing I have ever experienced. In my opinion, it is definitely worth the price.
Dr. Daniel C. Roth
Schools and General Executive
Southern Illinois District, LCMS (ret.)
- Marketing Christian Schools: The Definitive Guide, Volume I, is the most complete and practical tool for marketing I have ever experienced. In my opinion, it is definitely worth the price.
- Outsider objectivity. The process includes two separate surveys — the Parent Satisfaction and Referral Survey and Exit Interviews. We provide an outsider’s objectivity — tempered with our experience with hundreds of Christian schools, as well as our passion to advance Christian education in America.
— - Mechanics: Templates, forms, reports that will prove to you (once again) that “what gets measured, gets done.” All based on one consistent philosophy.
— - Marketing Plan: We’ll review your old marketing plan (and, a few weeks later, review your new one!) Our online Marketing Project Manager contains hundreds of marketing strategies and tactics. We tell you what to do — month by month.
— - Focus and direction: Besides your monthly coaching call, the Monthly Marketing Manager Memo provides direction and focus for each and every month.
— - Branding: GraceWorks’ branding experts review your marketing materials in writing.
— - Differentiation — God’s way. Want to do something great for God? Figure out what He’s doing, and do it with Him. GraceWorks differentiates God’s way — through vision, God’s unique DNA for your school. eMc3 includes an entire session on this crucial marketing dimension. Working exclusively with Christian schools, we give you a national view of what God is doing, and help you understand your place in this “meta-narrative.”
— - Relationship before money. We teach you how to use money objections to generate visits to your school. Result: less hang-ups and more enrollments.
— - Use literature correctly. Why sending a literature packet is Plan (C), and how Plan (A) and (B) will dramatically increase your closing effectiveness. The increase in your enrollment in this one area will easily pay for the cost of the entire eMc3 process alone.
— - Identification of 90% of your Promoters in the first six weeks. Work proactive strategies to throw fuel on the proverbial fire. How to get your Promoters to call you when they make a referral. Working proactively with your Promoters will easily pay for your investment.
— - The correct enrollment closing strategy and philosophy — based on the most extensively researched selling methodology on the planet. (Here’s a hint: you should never start with a tour.) GraceWorks trains everyone, including the receptionist. The improved closing results from this training, done at the beginning of the process, will in itself pay for your investment.
— - New word of mouth leads — often dozens — from your Promoters, sent to your email inbox, starting just six weeks into the eMc3 process. These leads, generated through the Parent Satisfaction and Referral Survey, will in itself pay for the entire cost of eMc3. (Did we already say that?)
— - After one year, if you don’t increase your enrollment at least by 10%, we will cheerfully refund your money, period. Only one “if” — you have to do what we suggest most of the time. Recession / Depression — we don’t care. Follow the process, and you’ll be just fine.
33 Reasons Why Your Christian School Needs an Enrollment Marketing Coach
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Dan Krause
Dan Krause is the Founder and President of GraceWork Ministries. He is a marketing consultant for Christian schools and has served over 800 Christian schools since 2006.